What is the Schengen Agreement and how does it work?

The Schengen Agreement, signed on June 14, 1985. It is a pact that prompted most European countries to remove their national boundaries. Therefore, this was done to create the Schengen Area, a Europe without borders. The agreement was signed in Luxemburg by only five EU members at the time. It is still one of the worlds largest areas that has eliminated border controls between member countries.

The Schengen Agreements History

Free movement across Europe is an old concept that can be traced back to the Middle Ages. In modern times, though, this theory has been debated since the end of World War II. However, steps in this direction did not happen until the 1980s, as Europe was stuck in an endless argument between two opposing factions. One that supported the idea of a free Europe with no internal border checks between countries, and the other that was vehemently opposed.

France and Germany were the first countries to take real measures towards the idea of free movement. As they agreed to take this discussed subject to the next level. These two countries were the first to raise the above-mentioned issue at the European Council. In Fontainebleau on June 17, 1984, when they all agreed to specify the necessary conditions for free movement of individuals.

The “Schengen Agreement,” which covered the gradual elimination of internal borders between countries. Expanded control of external borders, was signed on June 14, 1985. The agreement was signed in Schengen. A small village in southern Luxemburg on the Moselle by five european countries, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

Five years later, on June 19, 1990, a Convention was agreed to put the Schengen Agreement into action. This convention addressed issues such as the elimination of internal border controls. The establishment of a cooperating structure between internal and immigration officers, the definition of procedures for issuing a uniform visa. The operation of a single database for all members known as the SIS – Schengen Information System, and the operation of a single database for all members known as the SIS – Schengen Information System.

As a result, the Schengen Area concept continued to grow, with Italy joining on November 27, 1990, Portugal and Spain joining on June 25, 1991, and Greece joining on November 6, 1992.

Despite the establishment of the Schengen Agreement, which included treaties and rules, the actual implementation of the Schengen Area began on March 26, 1995, when seven Schengen member countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain decided to abolish internal border checks.

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