What is Defined As Medical Treatment For A U.S. Visa?
The B-2 visa is the best visa category for foreign nationals who want to visit the United States temporarily for medical treatment or other health-related reasons.
For U.S. Visa purposes, “medical treatment” can be defined as the diagnosis, mitigation, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease, illness, or injury. Medical treatment encompasses various services such as surgery, consultations, tests, and therapies.
Qualifying For A B2 Visa For Medical Treatment
To qualify for a B-2 visa for treatment by a U.S. physician, you must demonstrate to U.S. immigration authorities that you intend to make a short, temporary visit to the U.S. for necessary medical attention unavailable in your home country.
If you seek medical treatment in the United States, the consular officer may request additional documents at your visa interview. Additional documents may include a medical diagnosis from a local medical expert explaining the nature of the ailment and why you need treatment in the United States.
The U.S. embassy or consulate may require such an examination to obtain a B-2 tourist visa for medical treatment. This examination aims to ascertain if treatment for your medical problem is available in your home country. You will be screened for infectious diseases that would render you ineligible for a USA Visa For Medical Treatment.
You should be able to demonstrate to the consular officer that you require medical treatment from the United States, and once the treatment is over, you will depart the U.S.
It is also necessary to demonstrate that you can meet all expenses of your stay in the United States during your treatment and can afford to pay the entire cost of U.S. healthcare.
What documents are required to obtain a visa for medical treatment in the U.S.?
You will be required to provide evidence as part of the application process that you:
- Are traveling to the United States solely to receive medical treatment
- If pregnant, your main reason for travel is not to give birth in the U.S
- Plan to stay for a specified and temporary period, as supported by a letter from your treating physician
- Have a permanent residence outside the U.S.
- You have enough funds to pay for your stay and to pay for your medical treatment
- Have a valid passport
Check out our in-depth article that gives a comprehensive overview of the required documents.
Medical expenses in the U.S.
It is common knowledge that medical costs in the United States are excessive.
There are two things you should keep in mind before applying for a B2 visitor visa to receive medical care in the United States:
- Obtaining travel medical or visitor insurance
- Gathering your financials ensures you can pay for the treatment and stay in the United States
As a B2 visitor visa holder, you are not eligible for any welfare or public assistance programs in the United States.
You must provide bank statements or other financial records demonstrating your ability to pay for your medical costs and expenses during your stay in the United States. This includes but is not limited to, housing, food, and transportation costs. If you do not have enough money, you can have a relative or friend who lives in the United States sponsor you and agree to make the required payments. This is accomplished by completing Form I-134, Affidavit of Support. The sponsoring relative or friend must provide detailed information to demonstrate their ability to cover your expenses.
If the person guaranteeing your expenses is a close relative such as a spouse, parent, or child, your chances of getting a visa approved are the best.
Can you be denied medical treatment in the United States?
Doctors are not allowed to refuse treatment if their decision is based on illegal discrimination, age, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, and religion are all examples of discrimination.
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