Visa Decision
Globally, the Schengen visa determination processing period is usually two weeks. However, depending on the circumstances, it may take longer to process your application. In specified instances, embassies require 30 calendar days to complete a visa; however, in exceptional circumstances, 60 calendar days are required.
The Consulate typically decides within 15 working days.
This period may be extended for up to 30 days. In rare situations, 60 days if a more detailed review of your application is required and/or additional documentation is necessary.
Some Schengen states demand that they are consulted on visa applications submitted by citizens of specific countries to other Schengen states. The consultation process might last up to seven days.
Similarly, a Schengen State may require notification when a visa is issued to a national of a third country.
The applicant is advised of the decision to reject a Schengen visa and the reasons for the rejection, using a standard form. The decision to deny a visa application must disclose the grounds for the denial and the procedures and deadlines for filing an appeal.
How to appeal a Schengen Visa Rejection
There are two distinct approaches to request evaluation.
The form provides detailed instructions on how to submit an appeal against the decision.
Written application
Send your appeal by mail to the relevant Embassy. In this letter, you state your disagreement with the decision. The appeal must contain the following details:
- Your name and residence
- The current year
- The name and date of birth of the individual who submitted the visa application
- The reasons why you disagree with the decision
- Evidence demonstrating why you believe you should be granted a visa
- Your signature
- A copy of the judgment
Four-week Period to Appeal
The time frame for appealing a visa decision is four weeks. This means that your appeal must be submitted within four weeks. The four-week term begins on the date you get the visa application decision.
Appeal to a favorable decision
Did you obtain a favorable visa judgment, but do you disagree with a portion of it? For instance, the start date or validity period. You cannot appeal this judgment until after you have acquired your visa.
You may appeal this decision within four weeks of obtaining your visa from a Dutch embassy or Consulate.
Have someone appeal on your behalf
If you are unable or unwilling to appeal the verdict on your own, then another person may appeal for you. These individuals can appeal the judgement on your behalf:
- Your legal representation. A parent, guardian, or other someone who manages your affairs.
- Legal counsel.
- An authorized special representative.
A special authorized representative is a person with permission to appeal on your behalf. You must authorize this individual in writing and specify who is being authorized and what they are authorized to accomplish. Please sign the letter as well. Include the form or your authorization with your appeal of the ruling. Include a copy of your passport as well.
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