How To Submit a UK Visa Application
Firstly you need to choose the type of visa you require.
The four main reasons to visit the UK are tourism, business, studies, or family visits and the most common option for the UK Visa is the Standard Visitor Visa.
After you complete the online form, your information will be reviewed and your processed documentation will be sent to you via e-mail along with the relevant guidance for appointment bookings and supporting documentation to gather.
For a detailed breakdown of the online application submission process please continue reading.
1. Visa Duration
Choose the duration of your desired stay. You can choose from 6 months, 2 years, 5 years or 10 years. Please note the cost of your visa application is determined by you desired length of stay. The service fee of £129 will remain the same for all visa duration’s.
2. Your Information
Please provide your full name (if your name has changed since your birth, you may be required to provide this), gender, date of birth, country of birth, city of birth, current nationality, any previous nationalities and marital status.
3. Passport Information
Have your passport by your side and provide the following information:
- Passport or Travel Document number
- Place of issue
- Issuing authority
- Date of issue
- Date of expiry
- Provide details of previous passports
4. Your Contact Details
In this section you must confirm your personal details including:
- Full address
- Email address
- Contact telephone number
- How long you have lived at your current address
- What is your ownership status?
- When did you obtain residence in your current country?
- Mothers detailed information
- Fathers detailed information
You are required to confirm your home addresses for the last 2 years. Also, if you reside in a country that is not your country of nationality we will require to confirm your residence status.
Your parents details are required whether or not they are deceased.
5. Finances and Employment
Select your employment status, choose from: Employed, Self-Employed, Student, Unemployed, Retired or Supported by your spouse or other family member.
Answer all questions depending on your employment status. This section is important as you can be rejected without the sufficient financial background.
6. Your Travel to the UK
Provide details of the reasons for your visit to the UK and where you intend to visit and any other plans you may have. Details required include:
- How long do you wish to stay in the UK?
- Your required date of arrival in the UK
- Your planned date to depart the UK
- Will you be travelling alone? If not who will you be travelling with?
- Where will you be staying in the UK? If staying with friends of family, provide addresses of state where you will be staying if it is in a hotel of other private accommodation
- Details of any previous visits to the UK in the past 10 years
- Details of any family you have in the UK
7. Previous Travel History
Provide brief details of what countries you have travelled to in the past 10 years.
You must clarify the dates of your visits, how long you stayed and the reasons for you stay in each country.
8. Security Questions
You must declare any convictions, previous immigration problems or other security concerns in this section including:
- Full details of any criminal convictions or whether you are awaiting the outcome of any criminal charges
- Do you encourage terrorism?
- Are you of good character?
- Have you ever been refused a Visa?
- Have you been denied entry on a border crossing?
- Have you been refused permission to stay or remain?
- Have you been asked to leave a country?
- Have you been barred or excluded from entering any country?
9. Final Checks
Although you application will be reviewed for obvious mistakes / errors and we aim to correct these before processing, it is important that you thoroughly check all of the answers you have provided. Here you will have the opportunity to alter any mistakes you have made.
10. After Processing
You can access information concerning your immigration status online. You can also utilize the web tool to exchange information about your immigration status with others, such as employers and colleges.
Certain government agencies and public bodies will have access to your immigration status information, such as when you cross the UK border.
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