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Can A British Citizen Also Be A US Citizen

Can A British Citizen Also Be A US Citizen?

It’s important to remember that having British citizenship has no advantages or disadvantages when it comes to naturalization. You must follow the same steps and requirements as any other foreign national seeking American citizenship.

Lawful Permanent Residency

Becoming a lawful permanent resident (LPR) for a predetermined period is one of the most crucial requirements. This means that before you may file for citizenship, you must have a green card for a minimum of 5 years (or 3 years if you are married to a US citizen). Also, you must have resided continuously in the US during this time, which means you cannot have broken any laws or committed any crimes that would disqualify you from naturalization.

Getting Naturalized

You can start the naturalization procedure once you have fulfilled the residency requirement by submitting an application (Form N-400) to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Your career history, travel itinerary, criminal record, and other details regarding your personal background must be included in the application. Further supporting documentation will be required, such as a copy of your green card and proof of your proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing English. 

After submitting your application, a USCIS official will contact you to set up an interview. During the interview, the officer will question you about your application, background, and familiarity with American history and government. Also, you must pass a civics exam to show you know important US history and governance details. 

You will be invited to an oath ceremony where you will take an oath of loyalty to the United States and receive your Certificate of Naturalization, assuming your application is granted. 

Through the naturalization procedure, a citizen of the UK can acquire US citizenship. If you meet all the qualifying conditions and complete the correct processes. In that case, it is possible, even though it could take some time and work. If you follow the information given above, you should be ok.


What conditions must be met for naturalization? 

In addition to meeting requirements like language proficiency and good moral character, you must have held a lawful permanent resident (green card) for at least five years (or three years if you’re married to a US citizen), have submitted an application, appeared in person for an interview with a USCIS officer, and sworn allegiance.

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